
Top tips to keep your dog safe in the heat this summer


Unlike humans, dogs can only lose heat through panting and only sweat through their paws, so we need to be extremely vigilant and ensure they keep safe and cool as the temperature rises.

7 Tips for Dog Care in the Summer

1. Never leave dogs in hot cars, caravans, or conservatories - an outside temperature of 22°C can quickly rise to a fatal 47°C in these environments, even with the window cracked.

2. Provide easy access to fresh drinking water - add ice cubes for an extra dose of cooling!

3. Ensure dogs have access to shade, especially in outdoor areas.

4. Use pet-safe sun cream on exposed areas like ears, especially dogs with white or light-coloured fur.

5. Groom your dog regularly – this helps to remove excess hair and leaves your dog feeling cooler.

6. Walk your dog when it is cooler such as in the early morning or later in the evening - this is especially true for older or overweight dogs who are more susceptible to heatstroke.

7. Give your dog a damp towel to lie on – do not place it over the dog as this traps in the heat.


Even if you follow all the above tips, your dog could still suffer from heatstroke, so keep an eye out for the following symptoms so you can act quickly and contact your vet:

• Heavy panting and difficulty in breathing

• Over excessive drooling

• Vomiting

• Collapsing

• Your dog is lethargic or appears drowsy

• Uncoordinated

Actions to Take with Heatstroke

In extreme cases where the dog has collapsed or is struggling to breathe, contact a vet immediately. In less extreme cases, you will need to reduce its temperature urgently by following the below steps. This needs to be done gradually to prevent shock, so still follow the guidance of your vet:

• Move your dog to a shaded or cool area

• Pour small amounts of room temperature water onto the dog's body

• Lie them on a cold wet towel

• Get the dog to drink small amounts of room temperature water

Thankfully, keeping your dog safe and cool this Summer is simple, just keep an eye on the temperature and if need be, rearrange plans so that your dog isn’t stuck somewhere hot or sunny.

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